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Register Complaint
Track Complaint
How To Register Complaint:
1. Enter your Order No. / Contact No. / Tracking No. of the delivered parcel in “Order Tracking”.
2. Select the order you want to complaint against by clicking “Complaint button”.
3. Select the "Complaint type" (Damaged Product, Incomplete Order, need to exchange, want to return).
4. Select the relevant products against which you want to submit Complaint.
5. Select reason of relevant "Complaint type" from drop-down box.
6. Enter the Complaint notes in the text box.
7. Upload the attachment of relevant evidence against which Complaint has to be submitted (Invoice, Product image, Box image etc.)
8. Click on submit complaint in order to receive your Complaint no. for further tracking.
9. Once submitted our agent will contact you within 24 working hours to verify your complaint for further process.